More chances to win prizes by catching tagged pāpio


University of ߣsirƵʻi at Mānoa
Spencer Davis, (808) 699-9991
PhD Student, ߣsirƵʻi Institute of Marine Biology
Erik Franklin, (808) 783-0579
Associate Research Professor, ߣsirƵʻi Institute of Marine Biology
Posted: Feb 27, 2024

Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center
Credit: Maui Ocean Center

Link to video (please credit the Maui Ocean Center, details below): 

WHAT: ߣsirƵ researchers released about 60 specially raised and tagged pāpio (juvenile ulua or giant trevally) into Maui’s Maʻalaea Harbor.

WHY: Researchers hope to show how raising and releasing the pāpio could offset fishing pressure and help rebalance the composition of the local reef fish populations. They will also learn about the movements of the fish based on the location of capture versus the release point.

HOW: Each tag is labeled with a unique fish identification number and a note instructing fishermen to call the researchers and report the date, capture location (general area, no need to give away your secret spots), length and weight of the fish. 

WHEN: February 26, 2024

WHO:  Erik Franklin, ߣsirƵʻi Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB), associate research professor

Spencer Davis, HIMB PhD student (this is his research project)

Meredith Pfennig, research technician

Leon Tran, ߣsirƵuate student

Maya Olin, underߣsirƵuate student


  • Nanko’s Fishing Supply is supporting the project with a raffle and prizes for participating fishermen at the end of the recapture period, approximately one year after the release date.
  • In October 2023, about 150 tagged pāpio were released at four different locations around Oʻahu. 
  • Researchers received 21 voluntary recapture reports from fishers from October through December 18, 2023—about a 14% recapture rate. 
  • The researchers grew both batches of pāpio from eggs from the Maui Ocean Center.
  • This project is a spin-off of previous work funded by the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. This collaboration includes efforts from: Department of Aquatic Resources; HIMB; Oceanic Institute of ߣsirƵʻi Pacific University; Maui Ocean Center and Waikīkī Aquarium.
  • The work was supported by the John and Susan Chun Fund on recreational fisheries research provided to Franklin at HIMB.
  • If you support this initiative and want to see more projects like this happen, please contact Davis at or (808) 699-9991 to to indicate your interest.

VIDEO (Please credit the Maui Ocean Center):
BROLL: trt 1:51

Video at Maui Ocean Center

Video of Maʻalaea Harbor release 1:07

Stills of tagging :23

Underwater video of released pāpio :22

PHOTOS:  Please credit the Maui Ocean Center